10 research outputs found

    Growth and crystallization of molybdenum layers on amorphous silicon

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    The structure of molybdenum layers deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering onto the amorphous silicon (a-Si) layers as function of nominal layer thickness was studied by methods of transmission electron microscopy. Molybdenum layers with nominal thickness 1.5btMo nomb1.9 nm consist of clusters which should be considered as a transient state between strongly disordered (amorphous) state and crystal one. A transition from clusters to polycrystals takes place within the thickness range of 1.9btMo nomb2.5 nm. Resulting Mo crystallites have an inequiaxial form with dimensions of (3–4)×(15–30)nm2 and consist of blocks. The lateral axis of inequiaxial crystallites is parallel to 110 direction. As the metal layer thickness increases Mocrystallites take the more regular form at the expense of recrystallization

    Reactive diffusion in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors with CrB2 barrier layers

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    Processes undergoing in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors (MXMs) with periods of ∼27 nm and barrier layers of CrB20.3- and 0.7-nm thick within the temperature range of 420–780 K were studied by methods of small-angle Xray reflectivity (λ = 0.154 nm) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. All layers with the exception of Sc ones are amorphous. Barrier layers are stable at least up to a temperature of 625 K and double the activation energy of diffusional intermixing at moderate temperatures. Introduction of barriers improves the thermal stability of Sc/Si MXMs at least by 80 degrees. Diffusion of Si atoms through barrier layers into Sc layers with formation of silicides was shown to be the main degradation mechanism of MXMs. A comparison of the stability for Sc/Si MXMs with different barriers published in the literature is conducted. The ways of further improvement of barrier properties are discusse

    The influence of working gas pressure on interlayer mixing in magnetron-deposited Mo/Si multilayers

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    Impact of Ar gas pressure (1−4 mTorr) on the growth of amorphous interlayers in Mo/Si multilayers deposited by magnetron sputtering was investigated by small-angle x-ray scattering (l=0.154 nm) and methods of cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. Some reduction of thickness of the amorphous inter-layers with Ar pressure increase was found, while composition of the layers was enriched with molybdenum. The interface modification resulted in raise of EUV reflectance of the Mo/Si multilayer

    Damage to extreme-ultraviolet Sc/Si multilayer mirrors exposed to intense 46.9-nm laser pulses

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 622).The damage threshold and damage mechanism of extreme-ultraviolet Sc/Si multilayer mirror coatings are investigated with focused nanosecond pulses at 46.9-nm radiation from a compact capillary-discharge laser. Damage threshold fluences of ~0.08 J/cm2 are measured for coatings deposited on both borosilicate glass and Si substrates. The use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and small-angle x-ray diffraction techniques reveals the thermal nature of the damage mechanism. The results are relevant to the use of newly developed high-flux extreme-ultraviolet sources in applications

    Разработка макета распределенной сенсорной системы экологического мониторинга

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    Introduction. In this article, the basic principles of ecological monitoring were considered, and the possibilities of constructing sensor systems were analysed. It was proposed to use the NB-IoT low-energy telecommunication standard as a basic wireless protocol for ecological system development, which ensures effective communication of network devices. A prototype of the system was constructed, and algorithms for receiving and transmitting signals were simulated.Aim. To construct a prototype of a transceiver based on the NB-IoT standard and perform its simulation. To utilize digital twin in MatLab to create the proposed system.Materials and methods. The prototype was constructed using the Xilinx Zedboard evaluation board and transceiver on AD9361 chip, and the simulation was performed using the MatLab 2010 software package.Results. The results of the simulation in the channel with the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) were obtained, and the level of the detected synchronization signals of the NB-IoT standard was determined. The receiver and transmitter of the NB-IoT standard were implemented on the Xilinx Zedboard evaluation board. The timing simulation results show that the designed system can be tested in a real environment. The power consumption and resource utilization of the constructed wireless sensor network prototype unit were determined. Conclusion. The results obtained via the simulation process show that the designed prototype of the communication system works correctly, and the produced signal meets all the requirements of the NB-IoT standard. The results can be used for creating a domestic manufactured, specialized integrated chip for data units of ecological monitoring systems.Введение. Рассмотрены основные принципы осуществления экологического мониторинга; проанализированы возможности построения сенсорных систем для осуществления этой задачи. В качестве протокола беспроводной связи создаваемой системы экомониторинга предложено использование телекоммуникационного стандарта с низким энергопотреблением NB-IoT, обеспечивающего эффективное сетевое взаимодействие устройств сети. Проведено моделирование системы и макетирование алгоритмов приема и передачи сигналов.Цель работы. Построить макет приемопередатчика по стандарту NB-IoT и провести его имитационное моделирование. Использовать маршрут создания системы с формированием ее цифрового двойника в MatLab.Материалы и методы. Прототип построен c использованием отладочной платы Xilinx Zedboard и приемопередатчика на основе микросхемы AD9361, а имитационная модель – при помощи пакета программ MatLab 2010.Результаты. Получены результаты имитационного моделирования в канале с аддитивным белым гауссовским шумом, определена мощность обнаруживаемых сигналов синхронизации стандарта NB-IoT. Приемник и передатчик стандарта NB-IoT реализованы на плате Xilinx Zedboard. Временны́е диаграммы, полученные в ходе тестирования макета, демонстрируют, что разработанная система готова к тестированию в реальной среде. Определены энергетические и ресурсные затраты разработанного макета узла беспроводной сенсорной сети.Заключение. Полученные результаты моделирования показывают, что разработанная модель системы связи функционирует корректно и формируемый сигнал передатчика соответствует требованиям стандарта NB-IoT. Результаты разработки можно использовать для создания отечественной микросхемы узла сбора и передачи данных мониторинга окружающей среды


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    Complex clinical and radiological examination has a great value for control of the patients with traumatic lesions of hip joint before and after endoprosthesis replacement. The high risk of possible complications due to mineral metabolism disorders which must be detected before and controlled after operations.Комплексное клинико-лучевое обследование имеет решающее значение для контроля состояния пациентов с травматическими повреждениями тазобедренного сустава до и после лечения методом эндопротезирования. Высокий риск осложнений после эндопротезирования связан с нарушениями метаболизма костной ткани, которые должны быть выявлены до оперативного вмешательства и быть предметом пристального клинико-лучевого контроля после лечения


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    The article presents the diagnostic values of the radiological methods for evaluation of the hip joints condition in patients with degenerative lesions, compared with clinical and laboratory data before and after endoprosthesis placement.В статье показаны диагностические возможности лучевых методов исследования в оценке состояния тазобедренного сустава у больных с дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями в сопоставлении с клинико-лабораторными данными до и после эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава

    Structural transformations in Sc/Si multilayers irradiated by EUVlasers

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    Multilayer mirrors for the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) are keyelements for numerous applications of coherent EUV sources such as newtabletop lasers and free-electron lasers. However the field ofapplications is limited by the radiation and thermal stability of themultilayers. Taking into account the growing power of EUV sources thestability of the optics becomes crucial. To overcome this problem it isnecessary to study the degradation of multilayers and try to increasetheir temporal and thermal stability. In this paper we report the resultsof detailed study of structural changes in Sc/Simultilayers when exposedto intense EUV laser pulses. Various types of surface damage such asmelting, boiling, shockwave creation and ablation were observed asirradiation fluencies increase. Cross-sectional TEM study revealed thatthe layer structure was completely destroyed in the upper part ofmultilayer, but still survived below. The layers adjacent tothe substrateremained intact even through the multilayer surface melted down, thoughthe structure of the layers beneath the molten zone was noticeablychanged. The layer structure in this thermally affected zone is similarto that of isothermally annealed samples. All stages of scandium silicideformation such as interdiffusion, solid-state amorphization, silicidecrystallization, etc., are present in the thermally affected zone. Itindicates a thermal nature of the damage mechanism. The tungstendiffusion barriers were applied to the scandium/silicon interfaces. Itwas shown that the barriers inhibited interdiffusion and increased thethermal stability of Sc/Si mirrors

    Structural transformation in C/Si multilayer after annealing

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    Amorphous C/Si multilayers were prepared by DC magnetron sputtering technique and investigated by transmission electron microscopy and low-angle x-ray diffraction methods after annealing at 650 and 950 °C. The amorphous interlayers of 0.5 − 0.6 nm thick were found at C/Si and Si/C interfaces being of different density and composition. Amorphous structure of the multilayer is stable up to 950 °C when crystallization of α-SiC occurs and voids form in α-Si layer.Изготовленные методом прямоточного магнетронного распыления аморфные многослойные композиции C/Si были исследованы методами просвечивающей электронной микроскопии и малоугловой рентгеновской дифракции после отжигов при температуре 650 и 950 °C. На границах раздела C/Si и Si/C обнаружены аморфные перемешанные зоны толщиной 0.5 – 0.6 нм c различными плотностью и составом. Аморфная структура многослойной композиции стабильна вплоть до 950 °C, когда наблюдается формирование пор в слоях α-Si и кристаллизация α-Si


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    The article presents the diagnostic values of the radiological methods for evaluation of the hip joints condition in patients with degenerative lesions, compared with clinical and laboratory data before and after endoprosthesis placement.В статье показаны диагностические возможности лучевых методов исследования в оценке состояния тазобедренного сустава у больных с дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями в сопоставлении с клинико-лабораторными данными до и после эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава